Monday, November 19, 2018

Scecond phase weekly reflection 2 (12/11/18-16/11/18)

.The second week of teaching practice was from 12/11/18_ 16/11/18. On the third day(12/11/18) of teaching practice I had a class in 8A. I teached chemistry. The topic was ductility and hardness from the unit metals. I used chart for making the topic clear to the students. The fourth day of our teaching practice was in 13/ 11/18 tuesday
. That day I had class in 8D. I taught them with the help of chart. The fifth day of teaching practice was on 14/11/18. It was Children's Day. Our school conducted special assembly. After the prayer children's day message was given by Abdul Ubaid sir and the school leader saidali. During the assembly 5 questions are asked to the students about Jawaharlal Nehru and Children's Day. The students should write the answers and put it in the box placed in the school. Students eagerly participated in this event. On the first period I had a peer observation of Geethu S. of Natural Science. In the second period I had a class in 8D. I teached physics. The topic was earth as a magnet from the unit magnetism. I went to 9D in the eighth period for the Peer observation of  Uthara Manoj from English option. 6th day of teaching practice was on 15/11/18. On the fifth period I went to 8B for the peer observation of Sahla S. of Physical Science. And in the 6th period I went to 8A for teaching chemistry. The topic was metallic lustre from metals. I thought the topic with the help of video. 7th day of teaching practice was on16/11/18. I went to 8 D in the first period for teaching Physics. I taught the topic magnetic field from the unit magnetism with the help of ICT. And I went to 8A in the second period. I taught chemistry the topic was electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity from the unit metals. I taught the students with the help of a video. On the third period we all gathered in 8A classroom for the inauguration of Malayalathilakkam. This program was conducted by Kerala government for the students studying in class 8 9 and 10. It was inaugurated by School headmistress Jayasreeamma teacher and the higher secondary principal Sajeema teacher. The class end at 4:15 p.m.